TOLL FREE NUMBER : 9107-029-029

Sha-Shib Aerospace & Engineering

The institute is situated at Vivek Colony, Opp. Guna Airport, Guna (M.P.). The facilities are mentioned below :‑

  • Spacious & ventilated class rooms.
  • An aeroplane Bonza A-35 is placed with in the college campus for demonstration of topic taught during the theory classes.
  • Most modern library with latest books, Periodicals, Magazines & Journals in Aviation, Computer, Electronics, Science, Engineering subjects etc. Projectors, Audio/Visual facilities are also available.
  • Institute is having eight well Equipped workshops related to different aircraft systems i.e.; Airframe Shop, Engine Shop, Precision Shop, Welding Shop, Instrument Shop, Machine Shop, Fitting Shop, Carpentry Shop etc. for imparting training to A.M.E Students.
  • Competent, Committed and highly experienced faculty on each subjects.
  • All necessary facilities for comfort, recreation and extra curricular activities including Canteen, Pool games, Tennis court, Badminton, Basketball, Volleyball, Cricket etc.

About Aircraft Maintenance Engineer.

Presently the aviation industry is one of the fastest growing industry. Because of the Indian Government's Open Sky policy, many private players are entering this field, creating huge employment opportunities. Playing a stellar role in this sector are Aircraft Maintenance Engineers, who ensure that the aircraft is in immaculate condition before take-off. An Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) is basically a person licensed to ensure that the aircraft is airworthy and in accordance with the National and International Aviation standards.

In short, Aircraft Maintenance Engineer is the sole person responsible for the maintenance and overhaul of aircraft. Only Aircraft Maintenance Engineer can certify that the aircraft is fit for flying.

Approval has been granted by the Director General of Civil Aviation, Govt of India to our institutes to conduct Aircraft Maintenance Engineering course in accordance with the Civil Aviation Requirements Section 2-Airworthiness, Series-E, Part-I & Part-VIII. These Civil Aviation Requirements are issued in accordance with Rule 61 and Rule 133B of the Aircraft Rules 1937 derived from the Aircraft Act 1934 (XXI I to 1934) passed by Parliament. Under the Aircraft Rules, Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) is the regulatory body to deal with all matters pertaining to CivilAviation in the country.

Institute of Aeronautics & Engineering, Bhopal, Academy of Aviation & Engineering, Bangalore, Hindustan Aerospace & Engineering Pune, Indian Aerospace & Engineering, Navi Mumbai, Utkal Aerospace & Engineering, Bhubaneswar & Sha-Shib Aviation Academy, Cochin, Sha-Shib Aerospace Engineering, Guna have taken up the task of fulfilling the need of properly trained technical persons required in the aviation industry. As we know, the demand for maintenance engineers is always high and the trained technical people are in immense demand. I.A.E Bhopal, A.A.E Bangalore, H.A.E Pune, I.A.E Navi Mumbai, U.A.E Bhubaneswar & S.A.A Cochin, S.A.A Guna centres focus on developing the students to fulfill the demand of maintenance engineers required by the aviation industry.

The concept of theory & practical classes of AME course not only develop the manual skill essential for Aircraft Maintenance Engineering but also provides thorough concept of Aircraft & its systems to the students.

Looking at today's global expansion in aviation sector the future will offer immense job opportunity to AME License holders in Airlines, Corporate Sector & Training Academy; not only in India but also abroad. Job opportunities have multiplied in recent years owing to the result of globalization. Not only a number of Private Airlines are operating in the sector but International Airlines have also started their operation in India.

At a Glance

SHA-SHIB AEROSPACE ENGINEERING is purely a Technical Institute managed and run by Sha-Shib Academy Private Limited, which is approved by Director General of Civil Aviation, (Govt. of India) for Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Course at Guna Centre.Training is conducted as per the DGCA syllabus. The Training programme for the course is designed specifically to meet the needs for employment & professional advancement in dynamic & rapidly growing field of Aviation.

SSAE provides a platform for those hard working & sincere students to reach their goals in their respective fields. SSAE imparts training for such type of courses which is having wider opportunity for the successful students in India & abroad & also to help the nation to build up its technical man power at all levels which is need of the hour.

Approval and Affiliation

Sha-Shib Aerospace Engineering,Guna are approved by Director General of Civil Aviation, Govt. of India for the A.M.E. course.



 Light Aeroplane (LA)
 Heavy Aeroplane (HA)
 Piston Engine (PE)
 Jet Engine (JE)


  • Pass in 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry & Maths
  • Apart from this, the students shall be subjected to a Medical Examination before they are admitted to the Institute, by a Registered Medical Practitioner holding at least an MBBS degree. Applicant's age at the time of admission should not be less than 17 years. The upper age limit is 24 years & relaxable if sponsored by the Aviation Industry.
  • Students of any Nationality maybe admitted to the A.M. E. course.

 A few words with students

As compared to other courses the students need a well organized planning for studies. Students should be well disciplined, dedicated & must maintain punctuality in their studies. There is no short cut to success. We are not at all interested to complete the course as early as possible but we rely on better understanding with the students, so as to get better and easy success to their examination. "Student's success is our motive"

 A few words with parents

As far as parents are concerned, their guidance is equally important as that of teachers. Parents are better equipped with the career of their children. We can inspire the inner potentiality of the candidate and put him/her on the right track. Besides acquiring Technical & Non Technical knowledge they need to develop a moral & intellectual personality. Therefore parents should be in constant touch with their wards by repeated visit to the institute to find whether progress is made or failure is encountered by their wards. Parents & teachers can jointly solve their problems, if any.

Job Prospects

Successful Candidates, after passing A.M.E. course are having wider opportunities in Govt. Sectors, Flying clubs / Institutes, Private Flying clubs / Institutes. Air Taxi, Cargo Operators etc.

Better job placement are available with:

  • Air Works India Ltd.
  • Blue Dart
  • Deccan Aviation Pvt. Ltd.
  • Raymonds Ltd.
  • Saraya Aviation (P) Ltd.
  • Taneja Aerospace &Aviation Ltd.
  • Trans Bharat Aviation
  • U.B. Air


  • Jet Airways
  • Jet Lite
  • Jagson Airlines
  • Lufthansa Cargo India
  • Kingfisher Airlines
  • Spice Jet
  • Paramount Airlines
  • Go Air
  • Indigo Air
  • MDLR Airlines
  • Deccan Cargo


  • Air India
  • Indian
  • Alliance Air
  • Pawan Hans Ltd.


  • Reliance Industries Ltd.
  • TISCO Ltd.
  • SAIL
  • IMFA
  • Coal India Ltd.
  • J.P. Industries


  • All Flying Club

Fee Rules

Rules About Fees

  • The student, for his / her admission, has to forward the duly filled in and completed Application Form along with the prescribed fee.
  • Once a candidate is admitted to the Institute, the fee is neither refundable nor transferable to any other account. All reasons shown for refund or transfer will be turned down.
  • Caution money is however refundable at the end of the completion of course. Damages of any sort is liable to be deducted from the caution money.
  • Registration & Examination Fee of D.G.C.A. will be charged extra which will be nominal as per rules of D.G.C.A
  • The student may be asked to produce the receipts of the fees paid by them, as and when required. Hence he/she must preserve the receipts with him/her.
  • The fee will be acceptable either in cash or by D. D. drawn in favour of Sha-Shib Aerospace Engineering, payable at Guna.
  • All students are required to remit their fees on or before 5th of every month. The defaulters will not be allowed to attend their regular classes & their names will be struck of the roll.

Library Facility

An enriched library is an essential requisite of an Engineering or Technical Institution. The library mirror the current advancement occurring in the sphere of Technology & Engineering. We also provide Audio/Video facilities for the better understanding of the subjects. To satisfy the need of the students the Institutes have established libraries which have a vast accumulation of authenticated books in multiple copies on various branches of Engineering & Technology.

Rules & Regulations

  1.  The membership of the library is open to all the students of the institute who have paid their library fees.
  2.  A student desirous of borrowing books from the library must have an identity card issued by the Institute.
  3.  Only one book is issued at a time to a student.
  4.  Reference book will not be issued to the student.
  5.  No book can be issued twice a month to a student.
  6.  There is provision for study of the reference book in the Library room itself.
  7.  The Mutual transfer of the issued books are not allowed among the borrowers.
  8.  The books will be issued to the students only during the allotted time and date.
  9.  The students will be solely responsible for any damage or loss of the book caused by him or her and he/she may be asked to replace it.
  10.  A student can retain a book for 7 days only with him/her.
  11. A fine of Rs. 25/- per day will be charged for retaining the book more than the specified period.

Admission Procedure

Application for admission to the AME course should be made on the prescribed form, attached with the prospectus. Application Forms filled in Properly & Correctly in capital letters should be sent along with the Registration fee of Rs.20,000 /-. Candidate seeking admission to the AME course should attach the following documents along with the Application Form.

  1. Medical Form duly filled & Signed by a Registered Medical Practitioner.
  2. Three Attested Copies of the Mark-Sheet of Qualifying Examination.
  3. Conduct Certificate.
  4. Admission Fee & Registration Fee.
  5. Five Passport Size Photographs.
  6. Four self addressed envelopes of size 9'W" affixed with the postal stamps worth Rs. 40/-  each.
  7. Affidavit
  8. Category of approval & its Training program is mentioned above in the approval category.
  9. Signed copy of the fee structure sheet by the parent / student should be submitted along with the application form.
  10. Once a category of AME course is opted, he or she can't shift to any other category of AME course.
  11. A Demand Draft of the prescribed Fees at the time of admission should be submitted in favour of Sha-Shib Aerospace Engineering, payable at Guna.

 "Shashib Scholarship and Aptitude Test) An Entrance Test" is the principle adopted by the authority of the Institute while providing admission to the selected candidates. In case a candidate deserves admission but due to the unavailability of seats he is not admitted, in such case the student can reserve their seat for the next session by depositing prescribed fees in advance to secure their seats.

The Admission Fee is to be sent in the manner prescribed in the Fee structure. The fees are also acceptable in cash. "FIRST COME FIRST SERVE" basis is adopted by the authority of the Institute while providing admission to the selected candidates. In case, a deserving candidate is not admitted due to the non availability of seats, such a student can reserve his/her seat for the next session by depositing the prescribed fees in advance to secure his seat.

In case a student does not receive any information regarding his or her admission within 20 days after the submission of completed application form, he or she should immediately get in touch with the Institute authority either personally or through correspondence. The candidate having outstanding qualification will always be preferred for admission.

Students appearing for the qualifying examination (10+2/Diploma) can also reserve their seats by taking provisional admission. In case after taking provisional admission, a candidate fails in the qualifying examination on the basis of which provisional admission was allotted, his or her fees will be refunded after deducting 30% of the admission fees.


Admission for foreigners would be taken under the rule framed by the Govt. of India, State Govt. & DGCA from time to time. A security clearance should be obtained from the concerned embassy and forwarded to the DGCA office for necessary action.   Foreign student can obtain Prospects & Application Form on payment of US $ 10. NRI Sponsored candidate seeking admission should submit sponsor certificate if required along with the admission form as per Govt. / DGCA rules.


To be eligible for appearing in any Examination a Student / Trainee should have at least 80% of the required attendance during the training period.


The following Rules & Regulations of the Institute shall be observed strictly.

  • Every student will strictly adhere to the rules & regulations of the Institute.
  • The student should be dressed neatly.
  • Students should maintain the Tuition Notes & Records of Practical Work up-to-date. Tuition Notes & Practical Records will be checked by the Instructor every month. He/She should have a set of his or her own A.M.E. text books related to the subject and also tool kits.
  • When syllabus is completed as per the lesson plan, the student's Tuition Notes & Workshop Records should be deposited to Chief Instructor (C.I.) for its scrutiny.
  • Late comers should report to the C.I. before entering classes. In the absence of C.I., Dy. C.I. will deal with such cases & inform the Chief Instructor. No student is allowed to leave class/workshop without permission of the Instructor in-charge of the class/workshop Superintendent.
  • All leave Applications should will be addressed to the C.I. who is the sanctioning authority. Students who absent themselves without leave application for more than a week should obtain the permission of the C.I before attending the next class. Minimum of 80% attendance is compulsory for every student to qualify for appearing in the semester exam, or else he/she shall be debarred from the Exam.
  • In addition to our practical facilities, students are required to pay the additional cost (which will be nominal) for the practical if any arranged by the organization. 


Ragging among Junior & Senior Students is strictly prohibited with in & out of the premises of the Institute. A cordial relationship among the student is desirable & any violation of the disciplinary rules may invite stern action from the authorities.


The aim of the Institute is to bring student's knowledge to the required standard of A.M.E. License Examination conducted by the D.G.C.A. Special classes will be arranged by the Institute for the benefit of the weak students if required.

Rules of Semester Pattern

Candidates appearing for current semester will not be promoted to the next semester till candidate clears the previous semester exams. In consecutive two attempts if the candidate is not clearing the reexam paper then candidate will be back faced. For eligible to appear the re exam one should clear atleast one paper otherwise the candidate would not be allowed to appear the exam consequently leading to the semester back and required to pay tution fee again.  

Refund of Fee

The Admission Fee & other fee paid by the student is spent by the Institute for providing better facilities to the student & also to meet the huge expenses, related to maintenance & other activities in order to provide quality Education. Hence no refund of Fee is permissible once a candidate has been admitted to the Institute. The Fee & the other charges once paid will under no circumstances be refundable, transferable or can be adjusted even if a student does not attend a single class. Students discontinuing in the middle of the course will forfeit the Fee, other charge & security deposit.

Legal Jurisdiction

In case of any dispute between the management of the Institute & Students, Parents or Guardian-, only the civil court in Guna will be legal jurisdiction.


Workshop Uniform

  1. Overall of Grey Colour
  2. Leather Shoes / Rubber Soled Shoes
  3. A Pair of Black Shoes

Class Room Uniform

  1. Blue Trousers with a Black Leather Belt.
  2. Sky Blue Shirt and Blazer with one Front Pocket with Monogram, Shoulders Flaps & a Black Tie for five Institutes are similar (only in Bangalore Red Tie and White shirt).
  3. A Pair of Black Shoes.

Extra Curricular Activities

In addition to academic Programme the Institute organizes a Variety of Extra curricular activities for the students in the form of Sports, Musical Clubs, Cultural Programs, Debates Society, Audio Society, Hobby Club, Literary Society, Personality Development Programs, Seminar, Study Tours & Visits etc. Apart from above course the students may be facilitated by flying experience in any flying club on extra payment basis.
